UNIQUE APPROACH - Innovative & legalized Methods to Improve Health
ARISTOLOFT, and its partners are exploring Cellular Therapy and a Philosophy of Holistic Healthcare and Wellness in a revolutionary concept, which leapfrogs wellness and health right into the future.
Our vision is to be in the forefront of advanced medical technology and science and to support so far unmet medical needs with novel patient funded experimental and investigational medical procedures, backed by IRB approved protocols or other country specific legalized concepts. Those concepts provided are based on actual analysis of existing internationally legal environments for cellular therapies to support hospitals and clinics to provide patients with investigational cellular therapies as a medical procedure.
We implement groundbreaking strategies to enhance overall well-being. Our team explores creative solutions tailored to individual needs, ensuring optimal health outcomes for our clients. Through cutting-edge techniques and personalized care, we revolutionize the approach to health consultation. With our innovative methods, we strive to empower individuals on their journey towards lasting health maintenance, wellness and healthy aging aka longevity.
This website is a platform providing scientific and practical information on advanced cellular therapy and at the site "Cellular Therapy & Antiaging" explaining stem cell treatments as a medical procedure at our international partners. We are working only with clinic partners being legally registered. This for Europe is Lithuania, Austria and Malta (under development), for Central America it is Mexico and for Middle East and Africa we intensely work on a new additional clinic able to cover unmet medical need also in that region.
We are the only organisation in Europe providing both important safety and legal elements to have access to novel cellular therapies, i.e firstly, an ATMP registered cellular product and secondly, at our related hospital, using the registered ATMP via a doctors prescription as a medical procedure in the frame of a hospital exemption licence.
Our vision is to be in the forefront of advanced medical technology and science and to support so far unmet medical needs with novel patient funded experimental and investigational medical procedures, backed by IRB approved protocols or other country specific legalized concepts. Those concepts provided are based on actual analysis of existing internationally legal environments for cellular therapies to support hospitals and clinics to provide patients with investigational cellular therapies as a medical procedure.
We implement groundbreaking strategies to enhance overall well-being. Our team explores creative solutions tailored to individual needs, ensuring optimal health outcomes for our clients. Through cutting-edge techniques and personalized care, we revolutionize the approach to health consultation. With our innovative methods, we strive to empower individuals on their journey towards lasting health maintenance, wellness and healthy aging aka longevity.
This website is a platform providing scientific and practical information on advanced cellular therapy and at the site "Cellular Therapy & Antiaging" explaining stem cell treatments as a medical procedure at our international partners. We are working only with clinic partners being legally registered. This for Europe is Lithuania, Austria and Malta (under development), for Central America it is Mexico and for Middle East and Africa we intensely work on a new additional clinic able to cover unmet medical need also in that region.
We are the only organisation in Europe providing both important safety and legal elements to have access to novel cellular therapies, i.e firstly, an ATMP registered cellular product and secondly, at our related hospital, using the registered ATMP via a doctors prescription as a medical procedure in the frame of a hospital exemption licence.
When thinking of treating patient with so far unmet medical need we can read today that there are various new emerging technologies available, we in our web-sites focus on:
- Experimental Biofeedback systems trying to analyse more the potential root cause of illnesses
- Detox of the cellular structure via plasmapheresis
- Investigational autologous & allogeneic Cell Therapy
- Energy Medicine related health support
- Cell Medicine anti-aging products
As mentioned above this is a platform to support cellular and alternative therapies at clinics providing medical procedures in the frame of the European hospital Exemption regulation. If you are interested to see whether you are eligible for a stem cell treatment just clic at the below button and send us your request we will provide you with a free information and consultation.
Star Trek and other science fiction movies have shown the way how health in the future will be treated. We, however, do not only discuss this future, but also provide such future science-oriented therapies especially in respect of regeneration and its antiaging effect as a medical procedure already today!
Science in the last decade has confirmed that the cellular structure of a human being is an energy structure and is constantly regenerating itself, as a kind of cellular maintenance, to support a healthy functioning of tissues and organs. This regeneration is performed by the body´s natural repair system, the stem cells within the human body, mainly produced via its bone marrow.
When people talk about health maintenance, wellness, or anti-aging, they very often and mainly refer to the visible body changes. This is not our concept, because we believe aging is a kind of disease and can be treated at its root cause successful. The root cause is inside the body´s cellular structure and potentially is caused by so-called stem cell exhaustion. Stem cell exhaustion refers to a decline in stem cell numbers and renewal capacity over time. Without stable populations of proliferating stem cells, tissues and organs lose their ability to recover from damage and begin to fail, and as such aging is accelerating.
The proof for the success of our therapy and philosophy of health maintenance can be found in the use of specific diagnostic test kits. Those tests determine the biological aging and health portfolio of a body before and after our treatment philosophy. Our treatment concept is accompanied by suggested changes of lifestyle related behaviour, usually reflecting more the chronological age of a person.
Science in the last decade has confirmed that the cellular structure of a human being is an energy structure and is constantly regenerating itself, as a kind of cellular maintenance, to support a healthy functioning of tissues and organs. This regeneration is performed by the body´s natural repair system, the stem cells within the human body, mainly produced via its bone marrow.
When people talk about health maintenance, wellness, or anti-aging, they very often and mainly refer to the visible body changes. This is not our concept, because we believe aging is a kind of disease and can be treated at its root cause successful. The root cause is inside the body´s cellular structure and potentially is caused by so-called stem cell exhaustion. Stem cell exhaustion refers to a decline in stem cell numbers and renewal capacity over time. Without stable populations of proliferating stem cells, tissues and organs lose their ability to recover from damage and begin to fail, and as such aging is accelerating.
The proof for the success of our therapy and philosophy of health maintenance can be found in the use of specific diagnostic test kits. Those tests determine the biological aging and health portfolio of a body before and after our treatment philosophy. Our treatment concept is accompanied by suggested changes of lifestyle related behaviour, usually reflecting more the chronological age of a person.

My name is Falk. After officially retired from global corporate activities, I established in 2009 my official residence in Malta, and a consulting company in Portugal from where I still travel globally and perform consulting in novel medical and regenerative health maintenance models.
During my life in science related corporate business I also was engaged in helping to develop health related products and services as a globally acting managing director. During my 40 years in this dynamic field, I experienced the changes and challenges the health related industry is facing by trying to develop novel and more efficient medication to cover unmet medical need. These research oriented activities has to be considered as long-termed and is an expensive commitment, considering the regulatory environment of this industry.
As a Health and Wellness Advocate and freelance consultant, I can now follow my personal interest in the field of health and wellness, also to support with potential alternative therapies the treatment of illnesses suddenly disturbing also my family life. I dived deep into cellular and regenerative medicine by enrolling in international available alternative medicine courses, from Homeopathy to Ayurveda and Stem Cells Technology and Therapy and eventually became related to Cell Surgical Network, a globally working, USA based stem cell treatment network.
I did visit the US several times and was trained in the Californian based stem cell treatment organisation. With this knowledge I develop an European clinic, performing adipose derived stem cell therapies in Malta in 2018, with however limited activities.
Due to my international contacts and expertise in this field, I furthermore had been invited to consult an Indian Biotech company in 2019 to develop stem cell therapies and novel cryopreservation concepts for umbilical cord and tissues to be used in regenerative medical therapies. This, as well as a separate consulting activities in alternative medicine at a separate wellness clinic in New Delhi, India provided me with a challenging nearly 2 year local stay and extensive experience in stem cell processing and therapies.
During the time in India, I deepening my knowledge also in meditation as a lifestyle support and got personally involved in various alternative health and wellness related activities at a wellness clinic in Delhi. Meditation is a highly qualified tool to achieve mental clarity, access the true nature of awareness and develop a strong mind and a healthy body. My stay in India has certainly deepened this understanding and improved my Know How and practise in this field too, but also deepen my personal connections with various clinics in Delhi and Mumbai which became my partners to start developing in 2023 an anti-aging franchise in India.
Eventually, also in 2023, I became related to FROCETH in collaboration with ANM Health and CMB-Medicina Lithuania providing ATMP registered Mesenchymal Stem Cells for investigational medical procedures as well as Dendritic Cell Therapy in qualified clinics. Innovita, Lithuania a partner of Aristoloft is providing in the frame of a hospital exemption licence Stem Cell Therapy as well as Dendritic Cell Therapy in their clinic for various medical conditions.
I am seen by partners to be someone, who is not only talking about concepts, but walk the talk, like alternative medical treatments. I personally engage in experimental therapies since years, like the energy related pulsed electromagnetic frequency therapy I use since more than 10 years personally. I also experienced and enjoyed the IV- injection therapy of about 100 million mesenchymal stem cells derived from a qualified umbilical cord tissue, processed, expanded and cryopreserved at my Indian Biotech partner. This is now (2023) nearly four years ago, which certainly helped me to stay continuously healthy even during the difficult Covid 19 situation where I was injected with three Pfizer jabs due to my travelling activity. Anyhow, neither the epidemic situation nor the vaccination had any negative effect on my health so far, in the contrary I enjoy to be very healthy and active!
Now, in 2025, I am continued involved in various projects in the field of regeneration and wellness, and my wellness farm project, challenging my mental and physical activity at a 78 years young healthy individual. ------ regarded by others as staying incredible young and active and even by standards of my medical doctor, not believing in stem cell therapy, confirms that my analytical values from the regular check-up rather represents values of a much year younger person! Well, as mentioned before I am not only talking about the potential of improving Quality of Life (QoL) but I walk the talk every day!
The farm in Portugal, which my family and I acquired in 2021, and where part of my family lives, is developing as a platform and contact centre to provide new wellness related activities and eventually connect clients to my international stem cell therapy partners. As those advanced cellular partners unfortunately had been quite far away from Europe and can be reached by long flights only, we had been working hard to find a European Regenerative Medicine Center with legalized activities. My partners in Europe are providing this!
According to our reviews and also via recent - 2023 - onsite visits, we have learned that various clinics in Europe offer stem cell therapies as a medical procedure. However not all clinics are legalized to use stem cells from either bone marrow, adipose tissues, or MSCs from umbilical cord tissues.
The legal platform, to provide stem cells or other advanced cellular therapies is well defined, as EMA has declared that all stem cell related activities are drug activities being regulated accordingly. EMA therefore, may have a potential possibility to interfere any time, like we have seen in the US with new guidelines, not allowing clinics to claim that they are performing cellular therapies.
Therefore, to provide cellular therapies, based on our concept to partner with a Biotech organisation having a registered ATMP stem cell product and a related clinics with a so-called hospital exemption licence to use such legalized ATMP was eventually realized only in the second half of 2023 for European clients. The Hospital Exemption rule is considered a valuable European legislative initiative that guarantees patient access to novel therapies based on the use of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) in the Member States.
There are various clinics providing stem cell therapies globally, but non of them in Europe has the combination of a legalized ATMP product used in a registered hospital exemption clinic, except our hospital partner in Lithuania.
Stem cell clinics nearby the USA, like Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, and the Bahamas perform however also legalized stem cell therapies however without providing an equivalent ATMP registered product. The USA, as mentioned before, has declared stem cell therapy as a drug regulated therapy, except it is minimally manipulated and performed in a qualified clinic with IRB approved protocols. Our partner, Cell Surgical Network, California is providing this in the US.
If you are interested in a stem cell therapy for improving your health condition as standard medicine has not helped you to improve Quality of Life further, please contact us, as we are at present the only organisation in Europe providing with qualified partners legalized, high quality cellular therapies.
During my life in science related corporate business I also was engaged in helping to develop health related products and services as a globally acting managing director. During my 40 years in this dynamic field, I experienced the changes and challenges the health related industry is facing by trying to develop novel and more efficient medication to cover unmet medical need. These research oriented activities has to be considered as long-termed and is an expensive commitment, considering the regulatory environment of this industry.
As a Health and Wellness Advocate and freelance consultant, I can now follow my personal interest in the field of health and wellness, also to support with potential alternative therapies the treatment of illnesses suddenly disturbing also my family life. I dived deep into cellular and regenerative medicine by enrolling in international available alternative medicine courses, from Homeopathy to Ayurveda and Stem Cells Technology and Therapy and eventually became related to Cell Surgical Network, a globally working, USA based stem cell treatment network.
I did visit the US several times and was trained in the Californian based stem cell treatment organisation. With this knowledge I develop an European clinic, performing adipose derived stem cell therapies in Malta in 2018, with however limited activities.
Due to my international contacts and expertise in this field, I furthermore had been invited to consult an Indian Biotech company in 2019 to develop stem cell therapies and novel cryopreservation concepts for umbilical cord and tissues to be used in regenerative medical therapies. This, as well as a separate consulting activities in alternative medicine at a separate wellness clinic in New Delhi, India provided me with a challenging nearly 2 year local stay and extensive experience in stem cell processing and therapies.
During the time in India, I deepening my knowledge also in meditation as a lifestyle support and got personally involved in various alternative health and wellness related activities at a wellness clinic in Delhi. Meditation is a highly qualified tool to achieve mental clarity, access the true nature of awareness and develop a strong mind and a healthy body. My stay in India has certainly deepened this understanding and improved my Know How and practise in this field too, but also deepen my personal connections with various clinics in Delhi and Mumbai which became my partners to start developing in 2023 an anti-aging franchise in India.
Eventually, also in 2023, I became related to FROCETH in collaboration with ANM Health and CMB-Medicina Lithuania providing ATMP registered Mesenchymal Stem Cells for investigational medical procedures as well as Dendritic Cell Therapy in qualified clinics. Innovita, Lithuania a partner of Aristoloft is providing in the frame of a hospital exemption licence Stem Cell Therapy as well as Dendritic Cell Therapy in their clinic for various medical conditions.
I am seen by partners to be someone, who is not only talking about concepts, but walk the talk, like alternative medical treatments. I personally engage in experimental therapies since years, like the energy related pulsed electromagnetic frequency therapy I use since more than 10 years personally. I also experienced and enjoyed the IV- injection therapy of about 100 million mesenchymal stem cells derived from a qualified umbilical cord tissue, processed, expanded and cryopreserved at my Indian Biotech partner. This is now (2023) nearly four years ago, which certainly helped me to stay continuously healthy even during the difficult Covid 19 situation where I was injected with three Pfizer jabs due to my travelling activity. Anyhow, neither the epidemic situation nor the vaccination had any negative effect on my health so far, in the contrary I enjoy to be very healthy and active!
Now, in 2025, I am continued involved in various projects in the field of regeneration and wellness, and my wellness farm project, challenging my mental and physical activity at a 78 years young healthy individual. ------ regarded by others as staying incredible young and active and even by standards of my medical doctor, not believing in stem cell therapy, confirms that my analytical values from the regular check-up rather represents values of a much year younger person! Well, as mentioned before I am not only talking about the potential of improving Quality of Life (QoL) but I walk the talk every day!
The farm in Portugal, which my family and I acquired in 2021, and where part of my family lives, is developing as a platform and contact centre to provide new wellness related activities and eventually connect clients to my international stem cell therapy partners. As those advanced cellular partners unfortunately had been quite far away from Europe and can be reached by long flights only, we had been working hard to find a European Regenerative Medicine Center with legalized activities. My partners in Europe are providing this!
According to our reviews and also via recent - 2023 - onsite visits, we have learned that various clinics in Europe offer stem cell therapies as a medical procedure. However not all clinics are legalized to use stem cells from either bone marrow, adipose tissues, or MSCs from umbilical cord tissues.
The legal platform, to provide stem cells or other advanced cellular therapies is well defined, as EMA has declared that all stem cell related activities are drug activities being regulated accordingly. EMA therefore, may have a potential possibility to interfere any time, like we have seen in the US with new guidelines, not allowing clinics to claim that they are performing cellular therapies.
Therefore, to provide cellular therapies, based on our concept to partner with a Biotech organisation having a registered ATMP stem cell product and a related clinics with a so-called hospital exemption licence to use such legalized ATMP was eventually realized only in the second half of 2023 for European clients. The Hospital Exemption rule is considered a valuable European legislative initiative that guarantees patient access to novel therapies based on the use of advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs) in the Member States.
There are various clinics providing stem cell therapies globally, but non of them in Europe has the combination of a legalized ATMP product used in a registered hospital exemption clinic, except our hospital partner in Lithuania.
Stem cell clinics nearby the USA, like Costa Rica, Panama, Mexico, and the Bahamas perform however also legalized stem cell therapies however without providing an equivalent ATMP registered product. The USA, as mentioned before, has declared stem cell therapy as a drug regulated therapy, except it is minimally manipulated and performed in a qualified clinic with IRB approved protocols. Our partner, Cell Surgical Network, California is providing this in the US.
If you are interested in a stem cell therapy for improving your health condition as standard medicine has not helped you to improve Quality of Life further, please contact us, as we are at present the only organisation in Europe providing with qualified partners legalized, high quality cellular therapies.
Medical Science is about advancing knowledge.
Medical procedure is about applying advancing knowledge.
Falk Heinrichsohn
Medical procedure is about applying advancing knowledge.
Falk Heinrichsohn
ARISTOLOFT - [email protected] or [email protected]
"Health isn’t everything, but without health, everything is nothing!"
Arthur Schopenhauer
German Philosopher
German Philosopher