Health begins in the cell..............

Health begins in the cell, each cell has a pH value, a voltage, a frequency and information carrying genes. Each gene contains instructions that tell the cells to make proteins. Proteins perform all sorts of different tasks in a cell, such as making eye pigments, powering muscles, or attacking invading bacteria. If those cellular elements are in harmony we have a healthy cellular structure, and a healthy cellular structure is the basis for a healthy body and Mind.
Health is not only reflected in the physical properties of a body but as human beings are also, better mainly energy beings we have to review the health condition of a person with new science based methods and try to find ways to treat the root cause, not being a focus of allopathic medicine, concentrating on dealing with symptoms. These alternative activities are based mainly on a technique called MEDICAL PROCEDURE with a written consent between the patient and the doctor performing such procedure, often even supported by an Institutional Reviewing Board (IRB) Protocol ot an Ethical committee, but financed by the patient, and therefore not accepted as a part of clinical trials by the FDA / EMA.
Details of such a support as a MEDICAL PROCEDURE as suggestion to maintain health, you will find in our health related pages or by just clicking on one of the images below.
Health is not only reflected in the physical properties of a body but as human beings are also, better mainly energy beings we have to review the health condition of a person with new science based methods and try to find ways to treat the root cause, not being a focus of allopathic medicine, concentrating on dealing with symptoms. These alternative activities are based mainly on a technique called MEDICAL PROCEDURE with a written consent between the patient and the doctor performing such procedure, often even supported by an Institutional Reviewing Board (IRB) Protocol ot an Ethical committee, but financed by the patient, and therefore not accepted as a part of clinical trials by the FDA / EMA.
Details of such a support as a MEDICAL PROCEDURE as suggestion to maintain health, you will find in our health related pages or by just clicking on one of the images below.
Healthcare can be subdivided into many different disciplines, in our philosophy of health maintenance we divide health related therapies into Allopathic medicine with drugs, radiation and surgery, summarized as evidence based medicine performed at hospitals and similar approved structures, and the Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), often performed as a medical procedure at a doctors facility. The holly grail in Allopathic medicine is seen in stem cells and its use in therapeutic drugs and in highly manipulated gene therapy in form of patented, high priced pharmaceuticals. This might be a reason that so far, very few products had been approved by the regulatory authorities.
Earlier scientific belief, stipulated that genes are dominating the faith of a cell, meaning that human health is depending on the gene structure at the time we are born and our cells and genes will have to follow the inherited cellular prepositions. Having healthy cells is however not a passive process nor depends solely on gene preposition as new science already confirms.
Healthcare can be subdivided into many different disciplines, in our philosophy of health maintenance we divide health related therapies into Allopathic medicine with drugs, radiation and surgery, summarized as evidence based medicine performed at hospitals and similar approved structures, and the Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), often performed as a medical procedure at a doctors facility. The holly grail in Allopathic medicine is seen in stem cells and its use in therapeutic drugs and in highly manipulated gene therapy in form of patented, high priced pharmaceuticals. This might be a reason that so far, very few products had been approved by the regulatory authorities.
Earlier scientific belief, stipulated that genes are dominating the faith of a cell, meaning that human health is depending on the gene structure at the time we are born and our cells and genes will have to follow the inherited cellular prepositions. Having healthy cells is however not a passive process nor depends solely on gene preposition as new science already confirms.
Epigenetics, the new Biology, stipulates that only less than about 10 % of our health depends on genes and 90 % on the environment the cells are embedded in. Active, regular substitution and tuning-up of our cells is therefore not only feasible, but also necessary to slow aging and reduce the risk of cell dysfunction causing a variety of environmental inflicted diseases. This tuning of cells starts with our mind and how our mind is interpreting its environment and ends with adding stem cells to our cellular structure to perform maintenance to the cellular system. |
Recent major revision in life sciences illuminates further the formerly not proven and hidden connection between mind and body. Epigenetics, the “New Biology of Belief" as described by the scientist Dr. Bruce Lipton and others, defines how our thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs create our body’s conditions, ranging from health to disease. Above is an scientific based explanation of this belief.
Energy medicine (EM), can be understood as the use of known subtle energy fields to therapeutically assess and treat energetic imbalances, bringing the body’s systems back to homeostasis (balance). As our mind is with its thoughts producing this energy impulses as biophysical information to the cells of a body, those information are influencing the cellular structure. The flow of energy in form of information is an important factor to understanding how subtle energy directs and maintains health and wellness in the human being.
This new insight from biophysics confirms the thousands of years old Buddhist Philosophy of Chakras. Chakras is a word deriving from the Indian Sanskrit and means “wheel” and refers to energy points in the body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay “open and aligned", as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being. Our energy points, energetic layers and subtle bodies create an interconnected field of energy around the physical body that is commonly known as aura or the auric field. Each subtle energy body connects into the physical body via an energy point or chakra, which directs the energy into the physical body via the meridian system. |
All living organisms emit a constant current of photons as a mean to direct instantaneous nonlocal signals from one part of the body to another and to the outside world. Photons are fundamental subatomic particles that carry the electromagnetic force — or, in simpler terms, they are light particles. The aura is reflecting those energy flows which is interpreting the state of being and health of a body, a reflection of the vital force.
Spiritual belief, defined since ancient times that an aura is a kind of energy field surrounding a body. Only recently, with the advances in Quantum physics the existence of an aura as an energy field has been able to confirming the former spiritual beliefs. Today, the human aura is seen as the hidden vital force that reflects the state of being and health of a body.
While standard medicine is looking at the body as a physical machine and tries to eliminate symptoms of this machine, new medical insight confirms the thousands of year old philosophy that human beings are energy beings and can be influenced by the energy flow (Chi) in the body conducted by the mind.
There are certainly many different pathways to improve health and well-being, and we are using a science-driven holistic approach to develop harmony in the mind-body connection and in the body´s natural capacity to heal itself via regeneration.
In order to restore the natural regeneration capability and well-being of a body we are supporting the concept of increasing the stem cell population with various technologies. We also belief applying high-tech technologies like PEMF, frequency in general, low level laser therapies, and nutritional support via Telomere and specific mineral supplement combinations, is supporting health maintenance without side effects commonly experienced with allopathic medicine.
Combining this CAM technology with meditation technics, we have a rich science based combination, reflecting the new understanding of how we are able to heal and maintenance health, developing healthy longevity in a human body while aging.
Like to know more, please contact us.
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Spiritual belief, defined since ancient times that an aura is a kind of energy field surrounding a body. Only recently, with the advances in Quantum physics the existence of an aura as an energy field has been able to confirming the former spiritual beliefs. Today, the human aura is seen as the hidden vital force that reflects the state of being and health of a body.
While standard medicine is looking at the body as a physical machine and tries to eliminate symptoms of this machine, new medical insight confirms the thousands of year old philosophy that human beings are energy beings and can be influenced by the energy flow (Chi) in the body conducted by the mind.
There are certainly many different pathways to improve health and well-being, and we are using a science-driven holistic approach to develop harmony in the mind-body connection and in the body´s natural capacity to heal itself via regeneration.
In order to restore the natural regeneration capability and well-being of a body we are supporting the concept of increasing the stem cell population with various technologies. We also belief applying high-tech technologies like PEMF, frequency in general, low level laser therapies, and nutritional support via Telomere and specific mineral supplement combinations, is supporting health maintenance without side effects commonly experienced with allopathic medicine.
Combining this CAM technology with meditation technics, we have a rich science based combination, reflecting the new understanding of how we are able to heal and maintenance health, developing healthy longevity in a human body while aging.
Like to know more, please contact us.
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