Before we dive into the concept of “Thoughts about Mind and Body and its natural healing capability and aging” let me try to explain our understanding of the difference between health and sick management and our philosophy how the mind, body, consciousness, and evolution, being important elements of our concept of health and wellness supporting to live in harmony with ourselves, nature and other beings.
Let’s start with evolution. Looking behind the horizon, envisioning, dreaming what might be there, will always have a chance, if determined, to make our dreams become true. These thoughts, aka positive vibes, are important, to develop and in the end safeguard consciously our existing home, our planet, to survive the repeatedly self-inflicted destructive moves by a few.
The real value of humanity is not how much power and wealth a person has acquired, but how consciousness and gratitude has accompanied the technological advances benefiting not only a few clever ones, but the masses. Sometimes it comes to my mind, humans will relatively soon be interplanetary and look for a new beginning at another planet………really, no, this is not a viable escape route of reality, this is not a solution for developing a conscious humanity. We must wake up, starting questions and providing answers to safe our home, our planet, and ourselves and loved ones guided by a few trying to empower and enrich themselves on the back of other......... Our mind must become conscious in respect of our actions, so that we can develop to become an interplanetary responsible being right here at our home our planet Earth.
Human evolution is from my point of view triggered by just seven word and the vision of a few! Words are powerful tools and are initiating, with its frequency, positive neutral and negative brain activities.
These words in human evolution are: How, what, why, who, where, which, and when? You remember when being a child, being curious, asking questions. Those questions and answers helped to develop your personality, guiding you a lifetime, and therefore, we should not forget to ask questions when growing older!
Let’s start with evolution. Looking behind the horizon, envisioning, dreaming what might be there, will always have a chance, if determined, to make our dreams become true. These thoughts, aka positive vibes, are important, to develop and in the end safeguard consciously our existing home, our planet, to survive the repeatedly self-inflicted destructive moves by a few.
The real value of humanity is not how much power and wealth a person has acquired, but how consciousness and gratitude has accompanied the technological advances benefiting not only a few clever ones, but the masses. Sometimes it comes to my mind, humans will relatively soon be interplanetary and look for a new beginning at another planet………really, no, this is not a viable escape route of reality, this is not a solution for developing a conscious humanity. We must wake up, starting questions and providing answers to safe our home, our planet, and ourselves and loved ones guided by a few trying to empower and enrich themselves on the back of other......... Our mind must become conscious in respect of our actions, so that we can develop to become an interplanetary responsible being right here at our home our planet Earth.
Human evolution is from my point of view triggered by just seven word and the vision of a few! Words are powerful tools and are initiating, with its frequency, positive neutral and negative brain activities.
These words in human evolution are: How, what, why, who, where, which, and when? You remember when being a child, being curious, asking questions. Those questions and answers helped to develop your personality, guiding you a lifetime, and therefore, we should not forget to ask questions when growing older!
Well, nothing is perfect in life, therefore there is also no perfect system which support a non-destructive evolution, aka the curiosity of what is behind the horizon, which can bring benefits to the masses via the leadership of a few. Still the most important brick in this concept is the “freedom of thoughts and its implementation” and its advanced development in any cultural environment. If this freedom is suppressed, any system, aka mode of governing a country or area of responsibility, will eventually collapse, giving space for a new beginning with those surviving the self-destruction mode!
From my Indian friends, I received recently a more than 50 year old video clip drawing attention of our past, our evolution and how we are developing and how we should reflect on being human. Very interesting, and emotional text and reflection! |
In the following blog-like information we, especially I, being a health coach, with a wide range of training and experience in energy medicine, meditation and stem cells, its cryopreservation and potential use, will try to support those humans trying to develop a healthy environment, which begins with the concept of health care as a maintenance philosophy and not as a mainstream medical experience because someone is falling ill and requires a "sick-management", aka a treatment, focusing on improving symptoms with allopathic medicine, without trying to find the root cause.
Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.
Arthur Schopenhauer - German Philosopher
Therefore let´s use our capability of thinking to enable our mind to naturally support the health of the body, the mind is embedded in, and develop a conscious habitat where humans can live in harmony with nature and other beings.
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens known by his pen name Mark Twain, - American writer, humorist,
In our blog-like information platform we will use scientific information and technological advancements to support the concept of health maintenance and how we can influence this wellness philosophy with novel technologies and our mind, being the main part of the electromagnetic energy and information field, which forms our cellular structure, and works like a maestro of a large orchestra. ....... and do not forget we are able to legally provide stem cell therapies at our international partners!
Health is not everything, but everything without health is nothing.
Arthur Schopenhauer - German Philosopher
Therefore let´s use our capability of thinking to enable our mind to naturally support the health of the body, the mind is embedded in, and develop a conscious habitat where humans can live in harmony with nature and other beings.
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter”.
Samuel Langhorne Clemens known by his pen name Mark Twain, - American writer, humorist,
In our blog-like information platform we will use scientific information and technological advancements to support the concept of health maintenance and how we can influence this wellness philosophy with novel technologies and our mind, being the main part of the electromagnetic energy and information field, which forms our cellular structure, and works like a maestro of a large orchestra. ....... and do not forget we are able to legally provide stem cell therapies at our international partners!
..........Well, to enter this field of alternative, novel technologies and energy fields , let's start by fine tuning our emotions and vibes........
09/02/2023 Cellular Therapy update
Cellular Therapy, especially stem cell therapy is quite a difficult subject as some walks of life interpret this as a medication which needs to be regulated by regulatory agencies to ensure safety of such type of medication and therapies. Stem cells are special human cells that have the capability to develop into many different cell types of the human body, from e.g. muscle cells to brain cells. Our point of view is that cells from our own body are personal properties and not a property which need to be regulated by medicinal agencies especially when cells are involved in a medical procedure at an individual person.
I have expressed the value of stem cells at various international conferences (Ref - 01 - as well as in publications (Ref - 02 - , though the FDA has tried to close down the hundreds of stem cell performing clinics in the USA, especially cell Surgical Network with its IRB approved protocols with autologous (own) stem cell therapies. Autologous stem cells are stem cells being removed from a person by various technologies and transplanted back into the same person.
Various countries already allow the expansion and cryopreservation of own stem cells in order to be reintroduced into the same body at a time when needed. In the USA the FDA with various guidelines has not only limited the transplantation of autologous stem cells into the same body via a same day medical procedure, but also tried to stop this process provided since years at all, claiming own stem cells therapies are drug treatments which need to follow the approval guidelines of the FDA with clinical trials. In various legal actions the FDA tried to stop this autologous stem cell therapies highlighted with a legal action in 2018 against the Cell Surgical Network with it various affiliated clinics in an attempt to assert regulatory authority over stem cell therapies.
In a landmark and potentially controversial decision made by the Honorable Judge Jesus G. Bernal of the Central District of California ruled in October 2022 that stem cell treatments offered by the Beverly Hills company Cell Surgical Network should not be subject to FDA oversight.
FDA has already in November 2022 filled an appeal of the ruling in California where stem cell clinic chain Cell Surgical Network, et al. prevailed. It appears that the FDA is supporting the pharmaceutical path way of medication only, where the industry is performing clinical trials and can sell at expensive pricing the patented product after FDA´s approval.
A medical procedure with a written consent of the patient and the performing doctor using own cellular substances is, as thousands of performed procedures have shown, not only safe but also less expensive than the treatment of products following the clinical trial path way designed by the FDA. This clinical trial pathway had been designed in the early 19th Century to support the safety of industrialized produced medication. Scientific know how has advanced in the last 100 years providing a new platform to perform alternative medical therapies successful and financially affordable.
Here is an updated activity and example in one of the clinics in a country where stem cell therapy is authorized, quite amazing as health is realy what is in the forefront of the activity not an outdated regulation as we see in the USA and Europe.
I have expressed the value of stem cells at various international conferences (Ref - 01 - as well as in publications (Ref - 02 - , though the FDA has tried to close down the hundreds of stem cell performing clinics in the USA, especially cell Surgical Network with its IRB approved protocols with autologous (own) stem cell therapies. Autologous stem cells are stem cells being removed from a person by various technologies and transplanted back into the same person.
Various countries already allow the expansion and cryopreservation of own stem cells in order to be reintroduced into the same body at a time when needed. In the USA the FDA with various guidelines has not only limited the transplantation of autologous stem cells into the same body via a same day medical procedure, but also tried to stop this process provided since years at all, claiming own stem cells therapies are drug treatments which need to follow the approval guidelines of the FDA with clinical trials. In various legal actions the FDA tried to stop this autologous stem cell therapies highlighted with a legal action in 2018 against the Cell Surgical Network with it various affiliated clinics in an attempt to assert regulatory authority over stem cell therapies.
In a landmark and potentially controversial decision made by the Honorable Judge Jesus G. Bernal of the Central District of California ruled in October 2022 that stem cell treatments offered by the Beverly Hills company Cell Surgical Network should not be subject to FDA oversight.
FDA has already in November 2022 filled an appeal of the ruling in California where stem cell clinic chain Cell Surgical Network, et al. prevailed. It appears that the FDA is supporting the pharmaceutical path way of medication only, where the industry is performing clinical trials and can sell at expensive pricing the patented product after FDA´s approval.
A medical procedure with a written consent of the patient and the performing doctor using own cellular substances is, as thousands of performed procedures have shown, not only safe but also less expensive than the treatment of products following the clinical trial path way designed by the FDA. This clinical trial pathway had been designed in the early 19th Century to support the safety of industrialized produced medication. Scientific know how has advanced in the last 100 years providing a new platform to perform alternative medical therapies successful and financially affordable.
Here is an updated activity and example in one of the clinics in a country where stem cell therapy is authorized, quite amazing as health is realy what is in the forefront of the activity not an outdated regulation as we see in the USA and Europe.
Regenerative Medicine Institute
Dr. Vincent Giampapa Stem Cell Center in Costa Rica
10/02/2023 Frequency a potential model for healing ???
Anthony Holland is an Associate Professor, Director of Music Technology, Skidmore College. DMA, MM, MM, BM; He is also the President of Novobiotronics Inc. a nonprofit 501(c)(3) charitable and educational company.
He discovered the ability of Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) to destroy cancer cells and MRSA in laboratory experiments and is an Expert in custom digital electronic signal design, synthesis and analysis for biological effects.
General INFO and contacts:
Member: Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA). Postdoctoral work: Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Stanford University. Advanced Digital Synthesis and Analysis studies with: Max Mathews (the ' Father of Computer Music'), John Chowning (founding Director of CCRMA, Electronic Composer and Inventor (famed FM Synthesis Patent); Jean-Claude Risset (Electronic Composer and founding Director of the Digital Synthesis Division of the internationally renowned IRCAM center, Paris, France); John Pierce: former Director of Sound Division: Bell Laboratories.
Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. We've flagged this talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, because it appears to fall outside TEDx's content guidelines. Resonant Frequency Therapy has not been proven effective by scientific research.
Note from Aristoloft:
Dr Rife, in the early 20th Century, did similar work with good results too, however the mainstream medical establishments and its regulatory agencies did not want to accept this potential alternative cancer therapy, confiscated and destroyed his research. Maybe there is too much profit in chemo drugs.
Enjoy the below video with an open mind!
He discovered the ability of Oscillating Pulsed Electric Fields (OPEF) to destroy cancer cells and MRSA in laboratory experiments and is an Expert in custom digital electronic signal design, synthesis and analysis for biological effects.
General INFO and contacts:
Member: Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS), European Bioelectromagnetics Association (EBEA). Postdoctoral work: Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA) Stanford University. Advanced Digital Synthesis and Analysis studies with: Max Mathews (the ' Father of Computer Music'), John Chowning (founding Director of CCRMA, Electronic Composer and Inventor (famed FM Synthesis Patent); Jean-Claude Risset (Electronic Composer and founding Director of the Digital Synthesis Division of the internationally renowned IRCAM center, Paris, France); John Pierce: former Director of Sound Division: Bell Laboratories.
Please do not look to this talk for medical advice. We've flagged this talk, which was filmed at a TEDx event, because it appears to fall outside TEDx's content guidelines. Resonant Frequency Therapy has not been proven effective by scientific research.
Note from Aristoloft:
Dr Rife, in the early 20th Century, did similar work with good results too, however the mainstream medical establishments and its regulatory agencies did not want to accept this potential alternative cancer therapy, confiscated and destroyed his research. Maybe there is too much profit in chemo drugs.
Enjoy the below video with an open mind!
10/02/2023 Cancer - Forbidden Alternative Therapies that works!
The Burzynski Clinic is a clinic offering an unproven cancer treatment, which has been characterized as harmful quackery. It was founded in 1976 and is located in Houston, Texas, in the United States.
Dr Burzynski developed antineoplaston therapy in the 1970s. He believes that:
Dr Burzynski’s clinic has studied different types of cancer and developed this experimental cancer therapy that is purported to provide a natural biochemical substance that is excreted and, therefore, lacking in people with cancer. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in America has not approved antineoplaston therapy as a treatment for cancer or any other disease and tried "unsuccessful" to stop Dr. Burzynski´s therapy, though the agency surprisingly started to file own patents for this substance in cancer therapy.
Here is the latest information (2023) about Dr. Burzynski´s determination to help people with cancer and his fight with the FDA. You can make up your own mind regarding this alternative therapy and the potential Cancer Cure Cover-up in this pioneering story of a biochemist who discovered a unique and proprietary method of successfully treating most cancers.
Dr Burzynski developed antineoplaston therapy in the 1970s. He believes that:
- antineoplastons are part of the body’s natural defence
- it can protect against cancer
- people with cancer don’t have enough of them
Dr Burzynski’s clinic has studied different types of cancer and developed this experimental cancer therapy that is purported to provide a natural biochemical substance that is excreted and, therefore, lacking in people with cancer. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in America has not approved antineoplaston therapy as a treatment for cancer or any other disease and tried "unsuccessful" to stop Dr. Burzynski´s therapy, though the agency surprisingly started to file own patents for this substance in cancer therapy.
Here is the latest information (2023) about Dr. Burzynski´s determination to help people with cancer and his fight with the FDA. You can make up your own mind regarding this alternative therapy and the potential Cancer Cure Cover-up in this pioneering story of a biochemist who discovered a unique and proprietary method of successfully treating most cancers.
Here is an Alien viewpoint on health......very interesting!!!
11/02/2023 Healing Frequency of the Human Body
Since ancient times Humans felt, believed and understood that sound has a healing effect, a clear therapeutic value for the mind and body. Greek physicians used flutes, lyres, and zitters to heal their patients. They used vibration to aid in digestion, treat mental disturbance, and induce sleep. Aristotle (323–373 BCE), in his famous book De Anima, wrote that flute music could arouse strong emotions and purify the soul. Ancient Egyptians describe musical incantations for healing the sick. Ancient Vedic Chants and Mantras of India are used for Anti-Stress and all kind of healing purposes.
While the effectiveness of healing frequencies is disputed by some scientist, there is no doubt that instruments can produce sounds, i.e. frequencies able to influence our emotions, mind, consciousness and with it our body.
Have a closer look to this mysterious phenomena of frequencies, also called "the Holy Frequencies" at the below video!
While the effectiveness of healing frequencies is disputed by some scientist, there is no doubt that instruments can produce sounds, i.e. frequencies able to influence our emotions, mind, consciousness and with it our body.
Have a closer look to this mysterious phenomena of frequencies, also called "the Holy Frequencies" at the below video!
I hope you enjoyed this inside, I have practiced meditation for more than 50 years and sounds as explained above has helped to quickly enter the meditative state and improve my health and emotional feeling. One of my favourite frequencies are the at 432 Hz and 528 Hz, here are some examples, enjoy the positive energy
12/02/2023 - How sound waves trigger immune responses to cancer in mice

I came across an interesting article (January 31, 2023) in respect of sound healing which fits well to those articles provided so far in this website. Here is the link: How sound waves trigger immune responses to cancer in mice | University of Michigan News (
When noninvasive sound waves break apart tumors, they trigger an immune response in mice. By breaking down the cell wall “cloak,” the treatment exposes cancer cell markers that had previously been hidden from the body’s defenses, researchers at the University of Michigan have shown.
The technique developed at Michigan, known as histotripsy, offers a two-prong approach to attacking cancers: the physical destruction of tumors via sound waves and the kickstarting of the body’s immune response. It could potentially offer medical professionals a treatment option for patients without the harmful side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.
Until now, researchers didn’t understand how histotripsy was activating the immune system. A study from last spring (2022) showed that histotripsy breaks down liver tumors in rats, leading to the complete disappearance of the tumor even when sound waves are applied to only 50% to 75% of the mass. The immune response also prevented further spread, with no evidence of recurrence or metastases in more than 80% of the animals.
“We found that histotripsy somehow not only kills cancer cells, but causes them to undergo a unique pathway of cell death that draws the attention of the immune system,” said Clifford Cho, the C. Gardner Child Professor of Surgery and vice chair of surgery, whose lab designed immune study protocols and measured immune responses for the study published this month (March 2022) in Frontiers in Immunology.
The key turned out to be tumor antigens—proteins only found in cancer cells and hidden behind their cell walls. When cells die by chemotherapy or radiation, these antigens are destroyed in the process. In contrast, sound waves kill the cancer cells by breaking their cell walls, releasing tumor antigens that then trigger the body’s defense systems.
The immune response occurred throughout the body, not simply in the area where the histotripsy was applied. “With histotripsy, we’re not destroying the antigens, we’re releasing them while killing the tumor cells,” said Zhen Xu, U-M professor of biomedical engineering and an inventor of the histotripsy approach. “Once they’re no longer hidden, the body can see them and attack them.”
The team was able to discover the mechanism due to the way mice in cancer studies are typically given genetically identical tumors. After breaking up a tumor in one mouse using histotripsy, the team extracted some of that material, homogenized it and injected it into another mouse. Both mice developed immune protection from that cancer.
“Injecting the debris into a second mouse had almost a vaccine-like property,” Xu said. “Mice that received this debris were surprisingly resistant to the growth of cancers.”
Since 2001, Xu’s laboratory at the University of Michigan has pioneered the use of histotripsy in the fight against cancer, leading to the multi-center clinical trial #HOPE4LIVER sponsored by HistoSonics, a U-M spinoff company. More recently, the group’s research has produced promising results on histotripsy treatment of brain cancer therapy and immunotherapy.
This work was supported by VA Merit Review, the National Institutes of Health, U-M’s Forbes Institute for Discovery, Histosonics-Michigan, and Michigan Medicine-Peking Health Sciences University Joint Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Disclosures: U-M retains a financial interest in HistoSonics, as do a number of researchers who were involved in this project and who helped develop the technology. Xu is a company founder, stockholder and consultant, and Cho is a stockholder and consultant. Each stands to benefit financially from the success of the platform.
HistoSonics Inc., a developer and manufacturer of a non-invasive platform and sonic beam therapy called histotripsy, announced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted the company Breakthrough Device designation. Oct 19, 2021
Additional INFO:
American scientist Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife Machine in the 1920s. The machine produced very low energy waves, also known as radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Rife based his ideas on the work of another scientist, Albert Abrams, who believed diseases gave off electromagnetic frequencies.
Rife thought bacteria were behind many diseases like cancer. He created a microscope to see them, and claimed his Rife Frequency Generator could spot and get rid of cancer by tuning into its electrical impulses. He did prove that with various patients at that time. The American Medical Association however condemned Rife's experiments.
The American Medical Association (AMA) in 1939, shut down the activity of Dr. Rife and the technology still today (2023) is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration claiming that it is based on an unsupported medical theory that asserts that radio frequencies can be used to cure any disease, although various organisations try to patent variations of this concept for approval with the FDA.
Well here is an update of Dr. Hollands activity which confirms somehow the theory of Rife, but again, it has to be peer reviewed and proven by a clinical trial according to the FDA, regardless whether it is considered already safe and effective in individual cases .........!!
Below the video which could revolutionize the future of health and wellness therapies.
When noninvasive sound waves break apart tumors, they trigger an immune response in mice. By breaking down the cell wall “cloak,” the treatment exposes cancer cell markers that had previously been hidden from the body’s defenses, researchers at the University of Michigan have shown.
The technique developed at Michigan, known as histotripsy, offers a two-prong approach to attacking cancers: the physical destruction of tumors via sound waves and the kickstarting of the body’s immune response. It could potentially offer medical professionals a treatment option for patients without the harmful side effects of radiation and chemotherapy.
Until now, researchers didn’t understand how histotripsy was activating the immune system. A study from last spring (2022) showed that histotripsy breaks down liver tumors in rats, leading to the complete disappearance of the tumor even when sound waves are applied to only 50% to 75% of the mass. The immune response also prevented further spread, with no evidence of recurrence or metastases in more than 80% of the animals.
“We found that histotripsy somehow not only kills cancer cells, but causes them to undergo a unique pathway of cell death that draws the attention of the immune system,” said Clifford Cho, the C. Gardner Child Professor of Surgery and vice chair of surgery, whose lab designed immune study protocols and measured immune responses for the study published this month (March 2022) in Frontiers in Immunology.
The key turned out to be tumor antigens—proteins only found in cancer cells and hidden behind their cell walls. When cells die by chemotherapy or radiation, these antigens are destroyed in the process. In contrast, sound waves kill the cancer cells by breaking their cell walls, releasing tumor antigens that then trigger the body’s defense systems.
The immune response occurred throughout the body, not simply in the area where the histotripsy was applied. “With histotripsy, we’re not destroying the antigens, we’re releasing them while killing the tumor cells,” said Zhen Xu, U-M professor of biomedical engineering and an inventor of the histotripsy approach. “Once they’re no longer hidden, the body can see them and attack them.”
The team was able to discover the mechanism due to the way mice in cancer studies are typically given genetically identical tumors. After breaking up a tumor in one mouse using histotripsy, the team extracted some of that material, homogenized it and injected it into another mouse. Both mice developed immune protection from that cancer.
“Injecting the debris into a second mouse had almost a vaccine-like property,” Xu said. “Mice that received this debris were surprisingly resistant to the growth of cancers.”
Since 2001, Xu’s laboratory at the University of Michigan has pioneered the use of histotripsy in the fight against cancer, leading to the multi-center clinical trial #HOPE4LIVER sponsored by HistoSonics, a U-M spinoff company. More recently, the group’s research has produced promising results on histotripsy treatment of brain cancer therapy and immunotherapy.
This work was supported by VA Merit Review, the National Institutes of Health, U-M’s Forbes Institute for Discovery, Histosonics-Michigan, and Michigan Medicine-Peking Health Sciences University Joint Institute for Clinical and Translational Research.
Disclosures: U-M retains a financial interest in HistoSonics, as do a number of researchers who were involved in this project and who helped develop the technology. Xu is a company founder, stockholder and consultant, and Cho is a stockholder and consultant. Each stands to benefit financially from the success of the platform.
HistoSonics Inc., a developer and manufacturer of a non-invasive platform and sonic beam therapy called histotripsy, announced the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted the company Breakthrough Device designation. Oct 19, 2021
Additional INFO:
American scientist Royal Raymond Rife invented the Rife Machine in the 1920s. The machine produced very low energy waves, also known as radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Rife based his ideas on the work of another scientist, Albert Abrams, who believed diseases gave off electromagnetic frequencies.
Rife thought bacteria were behind many diseases like cancer. He created a microscope to see them, and claimed his Rife Frequency Generator could spot and get rid of cancer by tuning into its electrical impulses. He did prove that with various patients at that time. The American Medical Association however condemned Rife's experiments.
The American Medical Association (AMA) in 1939, shut down the activity of Dr. Rife and the technology still today (2023) is not approved by the Food and Drug Administration claiming that it is based on an unsupported medical theory that asserts that radio frequencies can be used to cure any disease, although various organisations try to patent variations of this concept for approval with the FDA.
Well here is an update of Dr. Hollands activity which confirms somehow the theory of Rife, but again, it has to be peer reviewed and proven by a clinical trial according to the FDA, regardless whether it is considered already safe and effective in individual cases .........!!
Below the video which could revolutionize the future of health and wellness therapies.
Health is, from our point of view, a personal matter, government regulations should apply to safeguard health activities by providers, but the decision of whether using such methods approved or not should not be a government decision. If a patient and a medical doctor believes that with his method, approved or not, the patients suffering is improved, and the patients gives his written consent to perform such a medical procedure, the medical professional has not only the right but also the duty according to the hippocratic oath, to perform such treatment.
28/01/2024 - Unlocking immortality: the science of reversing aging
When it comes to human longevity, you might envision nanobots helping our bodies operate more efficiently. But our bodies are biological machines in their own right, evolved to handle any situation in the real world from illness to cold to hunger. Our bodies heal themselves, and they can be programmed to do so if we understood that language better.
This video talks about DNA and genes, and the epigenetic mechanisms that read that information. The epigenetic clock is one way to measure the age of cells, and this can be reversed with current technologies.
We discuss experiments by David Sinclair, which made blind mice see again, and experiments by Greg Fahy, which regenerated the immune system of humans and reset their cellular age by 2 years. Asking our bodies to heal themselves could be one of the largest medical breakthroughs ever, instead of trying mainly chemical means of medication. And it has significant implications for whether or not we can achieve longevity escape velocity and continue to live more or less indefinitely. |
24/02/2024 - How humans will reach beyond biological bodies
This video discusses what it would mean to live forever or to have a greatly expanded lifespan. Would we inevitably grow bored with existence? Why do we even want to live longer? We also discuss the philosophy of the Ship of Theseus as it applies to mind upload or body transfer.
If you transfer your mind to a new body, are you still the same person? We conclude that the answer is yes if and only if you experience no discontinuities in consciousness. Finally, we discuss a few different ways that new bodies might be formed as technology advances. Digital avatars and robotic bodies are just a few of the possibilities. |
14/03/2024 - Stem Cell Therapy Hype or Hope
In the medical treatment of the beginning of 21th Century, the word “Stem Cells” certainly became a buzzword, used by many in many different ways creating quite a controversial image of the treatment potential of stem cells.
As you can read on our and many other websites, some, including some regulatory authorities, defend in the name of patients the idea not to use unauthorized new stem cell therapies whereas others advance in treatments and scientific experimentation. How can we find a “consciousness tolerable way” to advance with potential successful improvements of quality of life of patients to support their unmet medical need? Not an easy question because life is precious for those having it, potentially on the way losing it and those believing in protecting it.
To avoid the ethical and moral discussion on when life starts and when embryonic stem cell research destroys life we support only Adult stem cell research and treatments as a part of our “consciousness philosophy”. Anyway, according to new insights of a human body and its cellular functions, in the last few years, we can today use stem cells, from adults avoiding any controversial discussion.
Main places of adult stem cells are bone marrow, adipose tissue (fat), peripheral blood, but also many other so-called Niches in cellular tissues, or from umbilical cord and its tissue and placenta, contain stem cells useful for therapeutic applications.
When you review websites you will find all kind of therapeutic treatment possibilities, even claiming high success rates. Patients do have to understand that those clinics are talking of anecdotal success rates, i.e. success in individual cases and it is difficult to judge how big the overall success of treatment is.
We believe that with the present reviewing structure of drugs “invented” by companies and eventually approved by health authorities like the FDA / EMA, the market introduction will take considerable time and even though once approved, there is no guarantee of late side effects as we can see in the annual statistics of adverse events with approved drugs.
The only western oriented country which officially changed its regulation to accompany the new technology and its human application are Japan. American and European companies have started to develop their stem cell products in Japan because there is a “fast track” procedure, where a company may bring a stem cell product within a very short period to the market instead of ten plus years in the US and EU countries.
As you can read on our and many other websites, some, including some regulatory authorities, defend in the name of patients the idea not to use unauthorized new stem cell therapies whereas others advance in treatments and scientific experimentation. How can we find a “consciousness tolerable way” to advance with potential successful improvements of quality of life of patients to support their unmet medical need? Not an easy question because life is precious for those having it, potentially on the way losing it and those believing in protecting it.
To avoid the ethical and moral discussion on when life starts and when embryonic stem cell research destroys life we support only Adult stem cell research and treatments as a part of our “consciousness philosophy”. Anyway, according to new insights of a human body and its cellular functions, in the last few years, we can today use stem cells, from adults avoiding any controversial discussion.
Main places of adult stem cells are bone marrow, adipose tissue (fat), peripheral blood, but also many other so-called Niches in cellular tissues, or from umbilical cord and its tissue and placenta, contain stem cells useful for therapeutic applications.
When you review websites you will find all kind of therapeutic treatment possibilities, even claiming high success rates. Patients do have to understand that those clinics are talking of anecdotal success rates, i.e. success in individual cases and it is difficult to judge how big the overall success of treatment is.
We believe that with the present reviewing structure of drugs “invented” by companies and eventually approved by health authorities like the FDA / EMA, the market introduction will take considerable time and even though once approved, there is no guarantee of late side effects as we can see in the annual statistics of adverse events with approved drugs.
The only western oriented country which officially changed its regulation to accompany the new technology and its human application are Japan. American and European companies have started to develop their stem cell products in Japan because there is a “fast track” procedure, where a company may bring a stem cell product within a very short period to the market instead of ten plus years in the US and EU countries.
So, there is obviously another reasonable alternative to advance with stem cell treatments besides waiting another decade for approved engineered pharmaceuticals. One is, to try, to enroll in official approved clinical trials in the US or EU; or to follow the philosophy of Japan where new stem cell treatment products and methods may be available much earlier than in Europe or the US. The other way is to review possibilities in more open-minded countries providing qualified medical tourism facilities or even explore the use of autologous stem cells in a medical procedure, potentially even in your home country.
Well, we know, what we are talking about, as we have own experience where “approved mainstream treatment of the meniscus of my wife’s knees” did not go well and as the pain increased further our medical support suggested to go for knee replacement.…..we thought…and thought! Considering that, before the body really has adjusted to the artificial knee you probably will have even increased pain from the surgery and the lesser pain will start kicking in probably only after one year, as friends of us confirmed.
We, therefore, opt to try not to use something artificial but tried a more natural stem cell treatment, so much so more we got informed by our physician that after about 15 to 20 years the artificial knee needs to be replaced. Considering that my wife would be 15 or 20 years older with potentially unchanged or worsened hypertension problems we tried to explore a more natural solution.
Well, we know, what we are talking about, as we have own experience where “approved mainstream treatment of the meniscus of my wife’s knees” did not go well and as the pain increased further our medical support suggested to go for knee replacement.…..we thought…and thought! Considering that, before the body really has adjusted to the artificial knee you probably will have even increased pain from the surgery and the lesser pain will start kicking in probably only after one year, as friends of us confirmed.
We, therefore, opt to try not to use something artificial but tried a more natural stem cell treatment, so much so more we got informed by our physician that after about 15 to 20 years the artificial knee needs to be replaced. Considering that my wife would be 15 or 20 years older with potentially unchanged or worsened hypertension problems we tried to explore a more natural solution.
Our experience with the Cell Surgical Network (CSN), in February 2015, was changing our life. We are not considering anymore a knee replacement and there is a slow but steady improvement. Most significant one is, that my wife had been able to walk without using “pain medication” for more than 1 year. We are aware that this may not last forever, but before going for a knee replacement we would go back for a stem cell treatment.The pain medication, which had to be regularly changed by the treating physician due to side effects on her stomach, resulting in that she had to take besides pain medication also medication for the associated stomach problem. Our stem cell experience is positive, and we hope that with treatment Know-how, with autologous stem cells, will advance further by using expanded own cells.
Well, CSN e.g. has, not only in the US, but also in many other countries affiliated clinics, and we also found now a European clinic participating in the US-based investigational, patient funded stem cell treatments. This treatment is a surgical procedure with IRB approved protocols and FDA and CE resisted equipment followed up internationally with a research coordinator to review the progress of this treatment methods. CSN is using only autologous stem cells harvested from a person’s adipose tissue (fat) via a mini-liposuction, minimal manipulated and return it to the same patient in a procedure lasting less than 4 hours, where most of the time the patient stays in a relaxing lounge. |
The pain medication, which had to be regularly changed by the treating physician due to side effects on her stomach, resulting in that she had to take besides pain medication also medication for the associated stomach problem. Our stem cell experience is positive, and we hope that with treatment Know-how, with autologous stem cells, will advance further by using expanded own cells.
Our understanding is that more than thousands of patients had been treated and followed up with a professional data review system. So far, the treatment method did not result in any reported side effect during and after the treatment, as confirmed by many international reviews on adipose and bone marrow-derived stem cell treatments. We investigated quite extensively those reviews and treatment options on stem cells showing a clear safety profile of stem cells derived from bone marrow and adipose tissues and so embarked to find a solution for our medical need. |
As you can see from our website, we are believing that there are technologies which are “helping” the body to improve its natural capability to heal itself. This is alternative and not (yet) mainstream medical treatments, but have shown interesting results in various therapeutic areas like in the case of my wife via a surgical procedure.
These alternatives are basically non-invasive techniques, which can be performed in qualified clinics and even doctors offices either as a medical procedure and / or as e.g. a PEMF – Energy related therapy for health maintenance and wellness.
These alternatives are basically non-invasive techniques, which can be performed in qualified clinics and even doctors offices either as a medical procedure and / or as e.g. a PEMF – Energy related therapy for health maintenance and wellness.
So, there is obviously another reasonable alternative to advance with stem cell treatments besides waiting another decade for approved engineered pharmaceuticals. One is, to try, to enroll in official approved clinical trials in the US or EU; or to follow the philosophy of Japan where new stem cell treatment products and methods may be available much earlier than in Europe or the US. The other way is to review possibilities in more open-minded countries providing qualified medical tourism facilities or even explore the use of autologous stem cells in a medical procedure, potentially even in your home country.
Well, we know, what we are talking about, as we have own experience where “approved mainstream treatment of the meniscus of my wife’s knees” did not go well and as the pain increased further our medical support suggested to go for knee replacement.…..we thought…and thought! Considering that, before the body really has adjusted to the artificial knee you probably will have even increased pain from the surgery and the lesser pain will start kicking in probably only after one year, as friends of us confirmed.
We, therefore, opt to try not to use something artificial but tried a more natural stem cell treatment, so much so more we got informed by our physician that after about 15 to 20 years the artificial knee needs to be replaced. Considering that my wife would be 15 or 20 years older with potentially unchanged or worsened hypertension problems we tried to explore a more natural solution.
Well, we know, what we are talking about, as we have own experience where “approved mainstream treatment of the meniscus of my wife’s knees” did not go well and as the pain increased further our medical support suggested to go for knee replacement.…..we thought…and thought! Considering that, before the body really has adjusted to the artificial knee you probably will have even increased pain from the surgery and the lesser pain will start kicking in probably only after one year, as friends of us confirmed.
We, therefore, opt to try not to use something artificial but tried a more natural stem cell treatment, so much so more we got informed by our physician that after about 15 to 20 years the artificial knee needs to be replaced. Considering that my wife would be 15 or 20 years older with potentially unchanged or worsened hypertension problems we tried to explore a more natural solution.
Our experience with the Cell Surgical Network (CSN), in February 2015, was changing our life. We are not considering anymore a knee replacement and there is a slow but steady improvement. Most significant one is, that my wife had been able to walk without using “pain medication” for more than 1 year. We are aware that this may not last forever, but before going for a knee replacement we would go back for a stem cell treatment.The pain medication, which had to be regularly changed by the treating physician due to side effects on her stomach, resulting in that she had to take besides pain medication also medication for the associated stomach problem. Our stem cell experience is positive, and we hope that with treatment Know-how, with autologous stem cells, will advance further by using expanded own cells.
Well, CSN e.g. has, not only in the US, but also in many other countries affiliated clinics, and we also found now a European clinic participating in the US-based investigational, patient funded stem cell treatments. This treatment is a surgical procedure with IRB approved protocols and FDA and CE resisted equipment followed up internationally with a research coordinator to review the progress of this treatment methods. CSN is using only autologous stem cells harvested from a person’s adipose tissue (fat) via a mini-liposuction, minimal manipulated and return it to the same patient in a procedure lasting less than 4 hours, where most of the time the patient stays in a relaxing lounge. |
The pain medication, which had to be regularly changed by the treating physician due to side effects on her stomach, resulting in that she had to take besides pain medication also medication for the associated stomach problem.
Our stem cell experience is positive, and we hope that with treatment Know-how, with autologous stem cells, will advance further by using expanded own cells. Our understanding is that more than thousands of patients had been treated and followed up with a professional data review system. So far, the treatment method did not result in any reported side effect during and after the treatment, as confirmed by many international reviews on adipose and bone marrow-derived stem cell treatments. We investigated quite extensively those reviews and treatment options on stem cells showing a clear safety profile of stem cells derived from bone marrow and adipose tissues and so embarked to find a solution for our medical need. |
We are bound by FDA / EMA rules and regulations not to promoting any stem cell treatment or medical device to diagnose, treat or heal, but in the frame of our educational activity we are drawing attention to alternative healthcare methods already used in many countries though considered by some regulatory authorities as unproven and not authorized treatments.
Again, as we are living in a nearly border-less world, we may opt, and use something somewhere where it is potentially an accepted alternative, where patients with physicians freely review, consider and eventually accepting potential risks involved.
It is a personal decision, and so far done by those able to finance it, as insurance companies do not cover such treatments, even though the approved treatment ones are often much more expensive in the long run because they treat only symptoms.
Stem cell treatment as a medical procedure in the 21st Century is advancing in more than 2500 clinics performing such procedures. Below is a video of a clinic authorized doing stem cell therapies in Costa Rica. No doubt this treatment philosophy is the future of medicine.
Well, there are already treatments offered from Autism to Wound-Healing or very advanced stroke treatments, and although this is very specific cases under research, some countries have developed stem cell treatment capability much further than developed and applied in the US or EU.
Just some few months ago a famous former US Hockey player was hit by a stroke. Gordie Howe’s star power is now raising awareness in the United States and Canada about advances in stem-cell therapies as he continues what is being called a “miraculous” recovery from a massive stroke. He was treated with allogeneic stem cells (not his own / but third party) which are more than minimally manipulated, but legally available in countries outside the US and Europe.
Those governments provide a regulatory frame, where qualified hospitals are permitted to perform those experimental treatments. Gordie Howe went to Mexico because in the US he had, for protocol reasons, to wait 6 months before being admitted to a clinical trial authorized in the US; ………. Family and doctors, however, believed he would not survive the six months waiting period, and looked for other possibilities to save his life.
The video is controversial in the US and the Stem Cell Company who provided this treatment tries to avoid additional controversy by explaining their view and cooperation with US authorities via clinical trials.
Well, Gordie Howe got well quickly and enjoyed life longer than without stem cell treatment because he took the risk. As mentioned before life is personal and decisions are personal decisions independent of viewpoints of regulators.
We are understanding, patients with unmet medical need looking for alternatives and, we may be able to help in some cases to find qualified places where those activities are performed and connect with other Stem cell advocates to see whether there are patients coming forward to talk about their experience in those clinics. The decision to participate in such investigational treatment is, however, a personal issue after personal risk assessment with your trusted physician.
We are understanding, patients with unmet medical need looking for alternatives and, we may be able to help in some cases to find qualified places where those activities are performed and connect with other Stem cell advocates to see whether there are patients coming forward to talk about their experience in those clinics. The decision to participate in such investigational treatment is, however, a personal issue after personal risk assessment with your trusted physician.
We came across of an article by associated Professor Leigh G. Turner, PH.D., at the University of Minnesota Center for Bioethics and School of Public Health. Dr. Turner is mentioning in his article, released on 1. May 2015, that Clinics across the United States are advertising stem cell treatments that attempt to take advantage of what they perceive as exceptions in FDA regulations. According to Dr. Turner, U.S. stem cell clinics often make very persuasive claims about how they are complying with federal regulations. While these assertions might seem compelling, they aren’t necessarily true. On the contrary, his review of federal regulations, warning letters, letters written by the FDA’s Tissue Reference Group in response to questions about how the FDA interprets 21 CFR 1271, and new draft guidance documents, all indicate that the claims many of these businesses make about regulatory compliance are incorrect.
He continues in his review….. “The last five years of relative regulatory inaction is cause for concern. Perhaps these new draft guidance documents are a harbinger of the FDA providing more effective oversight of such businesses. If not, more patients are going to pay thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for so-called adipose-derived ‘stem cell interventions’ even though there is little or no evidence that they are safe and efficacious for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and many other diseases and injuries.”
This, from our point of view is a very one-sided review, favoring the clinical trial route for patented pharmaceuticals only, especially when you talk about Bioethics from a global viewpoint, as many countries have already embarked to adjust their regulations to accompany the new science and medical treatment option.
The so-called “inactivity of US regulators” from our point of view is reflecting the “Bioethical discussion” of how to advance with this new science field as many countries have started to adjust their regulations to support those medical advances. Furthermore, Guidelines are “the current thinking” but not binding, again reflecting the ongoing review of how to deal with this new medical advancements
He continues in his review….. “The last five years of relative regulatory inaction is cause for concern. Perhaps these new draft guidance documents are a harbinger of the FDA providing more effective oversight of such businesses. If not, more patients are going to pay thousands or tens of thousands of dollars for so-called adipose-derived ‘stem cell interventions’ even though there is little or no evidence that they are safe and efficacious for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and many other diseases and injuries.”
This, from our point of view is a very one-sided review, favoring the clinical trial route for patented pharmaceuticals only, especially when you talk about Bioethics from a global viewpoint, as many countries have already embarked to adjust their regulations to accompany the new science and medical treatment option.
The so-called “inactivity of US regulators” from our point of view is reflecting the “Bioethical discussion” of how to advance with this new science field as many countries have started to adjust their regulations to support those medical advances. Furthermore, Guidelines are “the current thinking” but not binding, again reflecting the ongoing review of how to deal with this new medical advancements
If we define Bioethics as “the ethics of medical and biological research” we have to accept that the understanding of what is ethical has grown, but it is never complete. We agree with the definition that Bioethics is the study of the typically controversial ethical issues emerging from new situations and possibilities brought about by advances in biology and medicine…….therefore, it has to be considered as a developing issue.
As Bioethics is developing like any other science-related activity and confronted with new knowledge, it appears that such a statement reflecting the opinion of Dr. Turner is defending the medical view of the 20th century. This view appears to be outdated when seeing that thousands of patients globally are already very successfully treated with autologous adipose or bone marrow-derived stem cells as a surgical procedure without any reported serious side effect; except three cases where patients got blind, due to a medical doctors using a not approved IRB protocol.
Stem cell treatment is an investigational activity where bioethics apply, but the discussion about bioethics involves in our understanding also patients, their concerns and need, not just only regulators point of view reflecting often a syndrome, we call “not invented here”! The cautious review of US regulators, is not expressing “inactivity” but shows that they are aware of the fast global development in that field, and as their mandate is, to open-minded review and support options and risks in new medical science, they correctly shall not stop or re-regulate applied, investigational medical advances via IRB approved protocols as a surgical procedure.
29/03/2024 - UPDATE / FDA versus CSN
Fact is that in 2023, thousands of clinics worldwide are doing stem cell therapies as a medical procedure very successful to improve quality of life in individual cases, the FDA lost its legal case against the Cell Surgical Network (CSN), California, last December, as the US court ruled that stem cells from fat extracted by the CSN method and used at the same body are not drugs and therefore such a procedure is not regulated by the FDA.
The general assumption today, 2023, is that stem cell therapies as a medical procedure are safe, I personally did IV-injection of MSCs from umbilical cord tissues about 4 years ago the first time and have the energy and health of a much younger person at a 77 young cellular structure!
The general assumption today, 2023, is that stem cell therapies as a medical procedure are safe, I personally did IV-injection of MSCs from umbilical cord tissues about 4 years ago the first time and have the energy and health of a much younger person at a 77 young cellular structure!
If you like to get more information about stem cells and potential surgical procedures in patient funded therapeutical studies just
contact us
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As we are embedded in Western regulations, not allowing the promotion of not approved medicine or medical treatment, we need to draw your attention to our disclaimer, that we are not promoting any unauthorized medicine nor treatments and that any information given in our website had not been reviewed nor approved by FDA / EMA and therefore reflects opinions for educational / informative purpose only.
As we are embedded in Western regulations, not allowing the promotion of not approved medicine or medical treatment, we need to draw your attention to our disclaimer, that we are not promoting any unauthorized medicine nor treatments and that any information given in our website had not been reviewed nor approved by FDA / EMA and therefore reflects opinions for educational / informative purpose only.